Batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle
Batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle

They joined up with other heroes to form the Justice League. He originally struck out on his own, but later took in Dick Grayson to become his sidekick, Robin. With the Society's protege Black Canary, Batman was taught all kinds of fighting styles by warriors like Hawkman and fighters like Wildcat. He introduced Batman to the Justice Society, where he would be further trained.

batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle

But after they freed a little girl from kidnappers, Green Lantern came to understand the need of a hero who battled criminals rather than save the world like he had always done. At first, Gotham's other super-hero, Green Lantern, disagreed with his methods. Inspired by heroes before him, he set about protecting Gotham City's dark alleys from hoodlums, thugs and leg-breakers. He was not well liked by his other students, Fox, Shark and Vulture, and only got along with Bronze Tiger. As part of his training, he joined the Wudang Temple, where he trained under Wong Fei. Trainingīruce dedicated the rest of his life to avenging his parents' deaths, hounding criminal scum everywhere. Chill had been acting on the orders of Lew Moxon, because Thomas Wayne had stopped a robbery at a charity gala some time before.

batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle

He killed Thomas and Martha in cold blood, but left Bruce alive.

batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle

One night close after, Christmas, on their way home from the movies, Joe Chill confronted the family in a dark alley. He grew up in a protected environment, and was a fan of swashbuckler movies and toys. Bruce Wayne was the son of wealthy socialites Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Batman brave and the bold booster gold blue beetle